Type of Sarcoma: Date of Diagnosis: At the center of Barbara’s life were her two
Category: Sarcoma Stories
Type of Sarcoma: RhabdomyosarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2018 Standing in a bathroom at the Minneapolis Convention
Type of Sarcoma: Ewing SarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2018Location: leg Although he didn’t realize it at
Type of Sarcoma: Epithelioid SarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2018Location: While it’s too simplistic to summarize a
Type of Sarcoma: AngiosarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2018Location: chest cavity Sara Christensen grew up in Southwest
Type of Sarcoma: Spindle Cell SarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2017Location: thigh My name is Peter Brown and
Type of Sarcoma: Ewing SarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2015Location: spine Miranda was diagnosed just after her 16th birthday
Type of Sarcoma: FibrosarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2006Location: Pelvis A life lived large, loud, and full
Type of Sarcoma: Ewings SarcomaDiagnosis: January, 2000Location: Hip Cancer doesn’t discriminate by age, race, sex or religion.
Type of Sarcoma: OsteosarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 1993Location: Distal Femur On January 7, 1993, while working