Join us for an evening of inspiration at the 9th Annual Sunflower Soiree in support of Rein in Sarcoma’s Mission. Experience the magic of vintage elegance, jazz, silent and live auctions, dinner, program, wine pull, raffle and more surprises in store.
Guest Speaker, Dr. Jen Pratt is an Osteosarcoma survivor who is now a physician at the same hospital where she was treated for cancer.
You don’t want to miss this signature event to benefit support, education and research for sarcoma cancer.
This event is the largest fundraiser of the year for Rein in Sarcoma – generally raising over one third of our annual operating revenue.
Your support will fund:
• Sarcoma Research to find a cure
• Support and Resources for sarcoma patients, survivors and families
• Sarcoma Education for the medical community and the public about sarcoma cancers
The evening is sure to be memorable, and an important fundraiser for advancing Rein in Sarcoma’s outreach to those in need of our support. Your support matters!
Help to support RIS’s continued efforts to Increase awareness, Increase survivors. Please register today!
When: Friday, October 4, 2024
Where: Metropolitan Ballroom
Time: 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Cost: individual tickets $250 (to purchase a table or sponsor the event, please contact David Stibbe, RIS Development Director at dstibbe@reininsarcoma.org or 612.229.1841)
Seeking silent auction donations!
We’re working hard to obtain items for the Fall Fundraiser silent auction. We are making progress, but we still need many more items. This event is the largest RIS fundraiser.
This is where we ask for your help! Talk with your friends, community members, local businesses, and networks. Ask for support on behalf of Rein in Sarcoma — you never know who will want to help. Even if a donation is not made, you will be raising sarcoma awareness, which is a large piece of our mission.