Sarcoma Stories

Memorial Stories

Bob Anderson


Diagnosis: 2006

Nicole Anderson

Nicole Anderson


Diagnosis: 2013

Bo Arvin

Epithelioid Sarcoma

Diagnosis: 2018

Julian Baultrippe


Diagnosis: 2007

Richard Berqual


Diagnosis: 2004

Doug Brame

Osteogenic Sarcoma

Diagnosis: 1981

Hallie Anne Brown


Diagnosis: 2012

Bill Clemens

Synovial Sarcoma

Diagnosis: 2009

Laura Zeccardi

Laura Zeccardi


Diagnosis: 2013

Nick Convey

Ewing’s Sarcoma

Diagnosis: 2012

Brett Dale

Ewing’s Sarcoma

Diagnosis: 2010

Therese Daniel

Therese Daniel


Jerome Detviler


Diagnosis: 2008


Alyssa Jeske Dobson

Epitheliod Sarcoma

Diagnosis: 2002

John Philip Douglass

Ewing’s Sarcoma

Diagnosis: 2018

Perry Ford


Diagnosis: 2013

Brendt Henrickson


Diagnosis: 2000

Wade Hohol

Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma

Diagnosis: 2007

Lora Holmquist

Epithelioid Sarcoma

Diagnosis: 2005

Katie Jurek


Diagnosis: 2002

Barbara Kimker


Diagnosis: 2005

Toni Kittredge

Myxoid Liposarcoma

Location: abdomen

Emilie Lemmons

Soft Tissue Sarcoma

Diagnosis: 2007

Jacob Martell

Ewing Sarcoma

Diagnosis: 2004

Jackie and John Middleton

Jackie Middleton


Diagnosis: 2004

Heidi Minor


Diagnosis: 2015

Chuck and Nick Novatny

Chuck Novotny


Diagnosis: 2018

Beverly Osterman


Diagnosis: 2004

Mary Ann Oldford


Diagnosis: 2014

Andrea Pomeroy


Diagnosis: 2009

Anna Rogotzke


Diagnosis: 2009

Christian Saumweber

Christian Saumweber

Spindle Cell Sarcoma

Diagnosis: 2020

Beverly Ann Schuld


Diagnosis: 2001

Nick Shifflett

PNET Ewing Sarcoma

Diagnosis: 2008

John Shirk

John Shirk

Synovial Sarcoma

Diagnosis: 2009

Eric Skogman


Diagnosis: 2008

Dwight Soeffker

Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma (soft tissue sarcoma)

Diagnosis: 2021

Kathleen M Strum

Kathleen M Strum


Diagnosis: 2012

Mark Wehner


Diagnosis: 2000

Elinda Bates Wing


Diagnosis: 1997

Tom Worthley

Thomas Worthley

Synovial Sarcoma

Diagnosis: 2014

Karen Wyckoff

Karen Wyckoff

Synovial Sarcoma

Diagnosis: 1997

Survivor Stories

Ruth Bachman

(MFH) /Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma(UPS)

Location: hand

Mel Bassett


Location: leg

Heidi Bright

Highly Undifferentiated Endometrial Sarcoma

Location: uterus

Talia Beck

Ewing Sarcoma

Annette Bonaventura

Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor (MPNST)

Location: leg, hand

Peter Brown

Spindle Cell Sarcoma

Location: thigh

Oliver Carefull


Location: leg

Aaron Conley

Epithelioid Sarcoma

Location: wrist

Maggie Cupit-Link

Ewing Sarcoma

Location: leg

Dick DeBlieck


Location: shoulder

Sarcoma Survivor - Conner

Conner Dehen


Location: tongue

Kara Dolney

Myxoid Sarcoma

Location: hand

Lucy Dusosky

Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma

Location: shoulder

Sarah Friedman

Ewing Sarcoma

Location: shoulder

Charlie Gerk

Telangiectatic Osteosarcoma

Location: leg

Lisa Griebel


Location: neck

Blake Hastings

Ewing Sarcoma

Location: foot

Irene Harper

Irene Harper

Follicular Dendritic Cell Sarcoma

Location: abdomen

Theresa Hosfield


Location: pelvis/leg

Jody Johnson

Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor

Location: leg

Judy Jones

Judy Jones

Spindle Cell Synovial Sarcoma

Location: leg/lung

Tania Kibble

Ewing Sarcoma

Location: hip/leg

Kraig Kuusinen

Osteogenic Sarcoma

Location: leg

Bob Laurenzo

Myxoid Liposarcoma

Location: groin

Nick Manzoni

Ewing Sarcoma

Location: leg

Jan Maudlin

Jan Maudlin

Myxoid Liposarcoma

Location: gluteus maximus

Miranda Mead

Miranda Mead

Ewing Sarcoma

Location: spine

Sarina Morrison

Undifferentiated Soft Tissue Sarcoma

Location: leg

Grace Nelson


Location: foot

Conner O’Brien


Location: throat

Chelsey Olafson

Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor

Location: back

Alison Olig


Location: pelvic cavity

Jess Porter


Location: leg

Jonathan Reich

Ewing Sarcoma

Location: leg

John Roemer

John Roemer


Location: thigh

Julie Rose


Location: body

Chastity Sabanjo


Location: eye

Brad Sauve

Ewing Sarcoma

Location: jaw

Brenda and Mike

Mike Schurhamer

Synovial Sarcoma

Location: leg

Ken Selden

Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma

Location: spine

Jean St. Pierre

Epitheliod Sarcoma

Location: hand

Allan Swartz

Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma

Location: thigh

Tony Toigo


Location: colon

Scott Tjaden


Location: knee

Lynn Von Korff

Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma, UPS

Location: gluteus maximus

Natalie Wolf

Ewing Sarcoma, UPS

Location: side

Tell Your Story

We invite you to tell your sarcoma story as a patient, survivor, or someone who has lost a loved one to sarcoma. Rein in Sarcoma would be honored to share your story on our website. We hope you will share your sarcoma story with us and our readers, who find inspiration and hope in knowing there are others who have been on a similar journey to their own.

  1. Describe an aspect of what you have experienced or learned during your sarcoma journey as a patient, survivor or loved one of someone who has/had sarcoma. Some prompts to help craft your story:
    • What was the most unexpected/surprising aspect of treatment?
    • What was your most frustrating moment or experience?
    • Were there any gestures of kindness that you will remember?
    • Having been through what you have, and knowing what you know now- If you could go back in time and tell yourself one thing, what would it be?
    • Are there any myths about cancer or treatment that you wish to dispel?
  2. Ideal story length is 350 – 450 words
  3. Include one or two photos of the sarcoma patient/survivor. It works best to attach a jpeg format of the photo(s) to your email.
  4. We highly appreciate the following as we’ve found newly diagnosed patients are very interested in reading stories of people with similar diagnosis.
    • Type of Sarcoma
    • Year of Diagnosis
    • Area of body affected
  • Will Rein in Sarcoma edit my story?
  • Do you accept stories in formats other than written?
    • If you would prefer to be interviewed and have one of our volunteers write the story, send us an email at If you would be willing to have your story in video, let us know—we can arrange filming in the Twin Cities.
  • Can I request to have a story removed from your website?

Ready to tell your story?