It’s Sarcoma Awareness Month

July is sarcoma awareness month. It is a time to raise awareness for this rare cancer and advocate for more research. Follow our social media throughout the month, as we share sarcoma facts and the faces of those individuals that are a part of the Rein in Sarcoma community.  

The sarcoma community is worldwide and the connections run deep.  

“I’m hiking above Murren, Switzerland with my husband, celebrating five years since my own diagnosis of metastatic sarcoma. It was a special moment when I came across this bench and dedication. Although I didn’t know Kasey personally, I was well aware of her strength and resolve in fighting her sarcoma and what she did to raise awareness and funding for research in finding a cure for these rare cancers. Her memory continues to inspire❤️❤️❤️!!!”
– Elsa, sarcoma survivor and RIS volunteer.