Celebrate RIS’s Named Fund Honorees. You will also see their stories throughout May in Rein in Sarcoma’s social media and highlighted on the Named Funds page of our website. RIS Named Funds help sustain and support Rein in Sarcoma’s mission and help “Increase awareness. Increase survivors.” If you’d like to make a donation to the Rein in Sarcoma mission, visit our website.

Beverly Osterman
Beverly had a natural talent to positively touch the lives of everyone who had the fortune of meeting her. She gave so much of herself, and she taught so many life lessons to so many. On May 7, 2009, after five years of battling Leiomyosarcoma, a rare, aggressive cancer, she sadly passed away.
Story/donate: https://www.reininsarcoma.org/sarcoma-story-beverly-osterman/

Jackie Middleton
Jackie was also diagnosed with Leiomyosarcoma. From day one, she fought hard, living every day to the fullest with grace, beauty, and modesty. “She truly was an Angel on Earth, and now, an Angel in Heaven.”
Story/donate: https://www.reininsarcoma.org/sarcoma-story-jackie-middleton/

Blake Hastings
Blake had pain in his foot that would come and go. His doctor thought it was arthritis or gout. Blake was finally diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma. Treatment was a long and intense process, which he completed in November 2017. Blake is a member of the RIS Board of Directors, and the former Board President.
Story/donate: https://www.reininsarcoma.org/sarcoma-story-blake-hastings/