
A major component of Rein in Sarcoma’s mission is to fund research directed toward developing new treatments and finding cures for sarcoma cancers. Since our inception in 2001 RIS has funded nearly $2 million to sarcoma research projects, primarily at the University of Minnesota, with an expansion to the Mayo Clinic, Children’s Hospitals, and Clinics of Minnesota in 2017. These research dollars in turn have resulted in additional grants totaling over $13 million in public and private funding to date.

Research Grants

Click to learn about the research we have funded at top research institutions such as the University of Minnesota, Mayo Clinic, Children’s Hospitals, and Clinics of Minnesota.

Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
LMS SPORE  Dr. Baker & Team  SARC  $5,000
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
LMS SPOREDr. Baker & TeamSARC $5,000
University of Calgary – Biology, mechanisms, and targetability of cancer-associated fibroblasts in rhabdomyosarcoma Aru Narendran MD, PhD. FAAPUniversity of Calgary$55,000
University of Minnesota – Unraveling the Mechanisms of Immune Evasion in CIC::DUX4 Sarcoma Dr. Darko Boshnakovski University of Minnesota$50,000
Aveni Foundation – DeltaRex-G Manufacture in Memory of Yunhui Chae-BanksDr. Erlina GordonAveni Foundation$76,665.56
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
Targeting the Cell Cycle and Autophagy Reciprocal Communication Pathways in Sarcomas Dr. Erin Dickerson University of Minnesota$50,000
Clarifying the Molecular Profile of DICER1-related sarcomas Dr. Kris Ann Schultz Children’s Minnesota$15,000
Sarcoma Resection Guided by Intraoperative Indocyanine Green Dye Fluorescence AngiographyMatthew T. Houdek, MD & Mikaela H. Sullivan, MD Mayo Clinic$25,000
LMS SPOREDr. Baker & TeamSARC $5,000
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
Identification of new strategies to therapeutically intervene for rhabdomyosarcomas   Berkley E. Gryder, PhDCase Western Reserve University$54,000
Characterization of Ewing Sarcoma patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells Beau Webber, PhDUniversity of Minnesota$50,000
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
Identifying and Characterizing the Cells that Create the Primary and Metastatic Sarcoma Niche Jaime ModianoUMN$50,000
DICER1-related sarcomasKris Ann Schultz
Damon Olson
Clinical and laboratory tools to evaluate treatment tolerability in older patients with soft tissue sarcomaThanh HoMayo Clinic$20,000
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
eBAT as a Modulator of the Myeloid Immune Checkpoint in CancerDr. Jaime ModianoUMN$50,000
Using Propranolol to Generate an Anti-Tumor MicroenvironmentDr. Erin DickersonUMN $50,000
Computationally Deciphering the Paths of Genomic Catastropohe in OsteosarcomaDr. Ruping SunUMN$50,000
DICER1-related Genitourinary SarcomasDr. Kris Ann P. Schultz Children’s Minnesota$15,000
Targeting the Immune Checkpoint B7-H3 for the Treatment of Rhabdomyosarcoma.Dr. Fabrice Lucien-MatteoniMayo Clinic$25,000
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
MYOG: Promoter-Controlled Oncolytic Adenovirus to Treat PAX3-FOXO1-Positive RhabdomyosarcomaDr. Masato Yamamoto /
Hideki Yoshida
SHH signaling genetic alterations: A relevant and targetable trait in peripheral nerve sheath sarcomasDr. David LargaespadaUMN$50,000
Registry-based analysis of risk and survival for young-onset sarcomasDr. Logan SpectorUMN$50,000
2019 Integrated Proteomic and Transcriptomic Profiling of Rhabdomyosarcoma Reveals Target Antigens for Immune-Based TherapiesDr. Patricio GargolloMayo$25,000
Expanding Opportunities For Early Detection of SarcomaDr. Megan Hilgers and Dr. Kris Ann P. SchultzChildren’s Minnesota$20,000
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
Predicting relapse and response to chemotherapy in sarcomaDr. Amy Skubitz UMN $49,000
Retrospective and Prospective Comparison of Prognostic Transcriptional Biomarkers in Osteosarcoma using NanoString RNA profilingDr. Aaron Sarver / Dr. Edward ChengUMN $49,000
Reprogramming cholesterol metabolism in sarcomas using adrenergic receptor antagonistsDr. Erin DickersonUMN$25,000
Identification of novel drivers of Ewing Sarcoma through engineered transformation of cells with differing levels of African admixtureDr. Beau WeberUMN $25,000
Pilot Study of Circulating Cell Free Tumor DNA as a Biomarket in Sarcoma Dr. Brittany Siontis / Dr. Steven Robinson Mayo $30,000
Identifying Gene Fusions in Pleuropulmonary Blastoma Dr. Kris Ann Schultz Children’s Minnesota$15,000
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
Engaging the Immune system as a strategy for sarcoma therapyDr. Antonella BorgattiUMN$40,000
Effects of beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists on sarcoma radiosensitivity Dr. Jessica Lawrence UMN $35,000
Enhancement of the Response of Sarcoma to SBRT by Targeting HIF-1a Dr. L. Chinsoo ChoUMN$25,000
Defining the Immunologic Landscape of Spontaneous Canine OsteosarcomaDr. Jaime ModianoUMN$25,000
Targeting Autophagy as a Therapeutic Strategy in Osteosarcoma Dr. Avudaiappan MaranMayo Clinic$25,000
Identifying Blood-Based Biomarkers to Improve Outcome in Pleuropulmonary Blastoma Dr. Kris Ann Schultz Children’s Minnesota$15,000
In Support of the SARC Specialized program in Research Excellence (SPORE) applicationLaurence BakerSARC$ 5,000
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
The impact of Beta Adrenergic receptors Dr. Erin Dickerson UMN $50,000
A better process for predicting GIST reoccurrence and other soft tissue sarcomas Dr. Amy SkubitzUMN $23,000
Improving the survival rate of Osteosarcoma patientsDr. Subbaya SubramanianUMN$49,450
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
The use of FDG-PET CT metabolic response to increase the therapeutic ratio of treatment for high grade, large soft tissue sarcomasDr. Edward ChengUMN$29,000
The Role of ATRX and ALT in sarcomaEric Hendrickson UMN $24,000
Mechanism-Based Expansion of the Tumor Repertoire for an Effective Sarcoma TherapyDr. Jaime Modiano UMN$24,000
The Role of NFIB in Metastatic Pediatric OsteosarcomaDr. Branden MoriarityUMN$24,000
Enhancement of the response of sarcoma to SBRTDr. Kathryn DusenberyUMN$24,000
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
Targeting Semaphorin-4D for Osteosarcoma TherapyDr. David LargaespadaUMN$40,000
MicroRNAs in the Progression of OsteosarcomaDr. Subbaya SubramanianUMN$35,000
Correlation of Macrophage Infiltration and Microvessel Density to Clinical Outcome in Sarcoma PatientsDr. Amy Skubitz$30,000
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
Preclinical evaluation of Minnelide in the treatment of osteosacomaDr. Subbaya SubramanianUMN$40,000
Quantification of macrophage infiltration and microvessel densityDr. Amy SkubitzUMN$40,000
Treatment of sarcoma with metformin in combination with radiotherapyDr. Chang SongUMN$20,000
Targeting Semaphorin-4D for Osteosarcoma TherapyDr. David LargaespadaUMN$40,000
MicroRNAs in the Progression of OsteosarcomaDr. Subbaya SubramanianUMN$35,000
Correlation of Macrophage Infiltration and Microvessel Density to Clinical Outcome in Sarcoma PatientsDr. Amy Skubitz$30,000
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
Tunneling Nanotubes as Novel targets in OsteosarcomaDr. Emil LouUMN$5,310
Treatment of sarcoma with metformin in combination with radiotherapyDr. Chang SongUMN$30,640
Functional Analysis of Low Copy Number Gain of Human 8q24 in OsteosarcomaAnindya BagchiUMN$24,460
The role of tumor cell multipotency and the microenvironment as determinants in sarcoma development and progressionDr. Erin DickersonUMN$33,230
Isolation of human osteoblasts for functional evaluation of osteosarcoma susceptibility allelesDr. Logan SpectorUMN$23,130
Identification of Potential Therapeutic Targets for SarcomasDr. Amy SkubitzUMN$33,230
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
Significance of Rb inactivation in clinical behavior of osteosarcomaDr. Jaime ModianoUMN$49,918
T-cell Targeting of SarcomasDr. Xianzheng ZhouUMN$50,000
Allogeneic, Haploidentical NK cell Infusions for High Sarcoma PatientsMichael VernerisUMN$48,300
Quantification of four biomarkers that demonstrate clinical correlations in aggressive fibromatosisDr. Amy SkubitzUMN$21,366
Translational Award-Complete Genome Sequencing and Analysis of Human osteosarcomaDr. Subbaya SubramanianUMN$25,000
Translational Award-Exploring intratumoral genetic heterogeneity in rhabdomyosarcoma and osteosarcomaDr. David LargaespadaUMN$25,000
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
Characterization of sarcoma stem cells and their role in chemoresistance and relapseDr. Amy SkubitzUMN$45,000
Establishment of a miRNA Serum Biomakers in Well and De-differenciated liposarcomasDr. Christian OgilvieUMN$36,900
Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptors as Gtargets for Rhabdomyosarcoma TherapyDr. David LargaespadaUMN$42,902
Patient Education video series: Amputation in pediatric sarcoma patientsDr. Edward ChengUMN$18,000
2010-2011 RIS Sarcoma Scholarship AwardDr. Kathryn DusenberyUMN$4,000
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
Clinical Correlations Associated with Genes Upregulated in FibromatosisDr. Amy SkubitzUMN$34,500
MicroRNA Regulatory Networks in Synovial SarcomaDr. Subbaya SubramanianUMN$34,500
Scholarship for a 2nd or 3rd year medical student with an interest in cancer and cancer educationDr. Kathryn DusenberyUMN$1,000
Therapeutic implications of P13K inhibition of E2F1 apoptotic function in osteosaracomaDr. Timothy HallstromUMN$24,000
Somatic mutations in Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome Gene (NBS1) in RhabdomyosarcomasDr. Simona OgnjanovicUMN$16,000
Evaluation of PET as a Predictor of Response to Preoperative Treatment for Soft Tissue Sarcoma, a Phase II TrialDr. Edward ChengUMN$20,000
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
Heritable Influence on VEGF Receptor Function in a Canine Endothelial STSDr. Jaime ModianoUMN$20,850
The role of p53 mutations in pediatric alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (ARMS) and embryonal rhabdomyosarcona (ERMS)Dr. Simona OgnjanovicUMN$36,936
MicroRNA Expression Profile of Synovial SarcomaDr. Subbaya SubramanianUMN$39,020
Patient education video series: amputation, rotationplasty and limb salvageDr. Edward ChengUMN$7,200
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
Association of Leptin Expression with Malignant Progression in soft tissue sarcomasDr. Sagarika KanjilalUMN$10,000
Premature artherosclerotic vascular disease in survivors of childhood and adolescent osteosarcomaDr. MulroneyUMN$10,000
Renewal – evaluation of PET/CT Imaging as a predictor of disease free survival following neoadjuvant chemotherapy for soft tissue sarcomaDr. Edward ChengUMN$15,000
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
Clinical assessment function and quality of life of lower extremity bone survivorsDr. Rajaram NagarajanUMN$ 9,813
Novel Treatment of giant cell tumor of bone using depot administration of zoledrnic acid in polymethylmethacrylate carrierDr. Pawel ZwolakUMN$14,900
Genetic epidemiology of osteosarcoma- feasibility study – phase 2Dr. Logan SpectorUMN$ 8,778
Evaluation of PET as predictor of response to pre-operative treatment for soft tissue sarcoma – phase 2 trialDr. Edward ChengUMN$42,809
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitutionAmount
Undergraduate medical student sarcoma education dayDr. Kathryn DusenberyUMN$1,500
Musculoskeletal tumor databaseDr. Edward ChengUMN$3,000
Genetic epidemiology of osteosarcoma-feasibility studyDr. Logan SpectorUMN$7,200
Clinical Assessment, function and quality of life of lower extremity bone tumor survivorsDr. Rajaram NagarajanUMN$9,500
Evaluation of PET imaging as a predictor of response to pre-operative treatment for soft tissue sarcomaDr. Edward ChengUMN$40,000

Research News

Sarcoma Doctors & Researchers

Meet the regional doctors and researchers involved in treating and researching sarcoma cancers. Click to read their profile.

u003ca href=u0022 Ed Cheng, MDu003c/au003e

Department of Orthopedic Surgery

University of Minnesota

u003ca href=u0022 Chinsoo Cho, MDu003c/au003e

Department of Radiation Oncology

University of Minnesota

u003ca href=u0022 Julie Chu, MDu003c/au003e

Hematology-Oncology physician

Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota

u003ca href=u0022 Denis Clohisy, MDu003c/au003e

Department of Orthopedic Surgery

University of Minnesota

u003ca href=u0022 Katie Dusenbery, MDu003c/au003e

Department of Radiation Oncology

University Minnesota

u003ca href=u0022 Emily Greengard, MDu003c/au003e

Department of Pediatrics

University of Minnesota

u003ca href=u0022 David Largaespada, PhDu003c/au003e

Department of Pediatrics

University of Minnesota

u003ca href=u0022 Nancy McAllister, MDu003c/au003e

Pediatric Oncology

Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota

u003ca href=u0022 Jaime Modiano V.M.D, PhDu003c/au003e

Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences

University of Minnesota

u003ca href=u0022 Scott Okuno MDu003c/au003e

Medical Oncologist

Mayo Clinic

u003ca href=u0022 Christian Ogilvie, MDu003c/au003e

Department of Orthopedic Surgery

University of Minnesota

u003ca href=u0022 Amy Skubitz, PhDu003c/au003e

Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology

University of Minnesota

u003ca href=u0022 Keith Skubitz, MDu003c/au003e

Hematology, Oncology and Transplantation

University of Minnesota

u003ca href=u0022 Spector, PhDu003c/au003e

Department of Pediatrics

University of Minnesota

u003ca href=u0022 Subbaya Subramanian, MS PhDu003c/au003e

Department of Surgery

University of Minnesota

u003ca href=u0022 Brenda Weigel, MD, MSCu003c/au003e

Department of Pediatrics

University of Minnesota

u003ca href=u0022 Felasfa Wodajo, MDu003c/au003e

Musculoskeletal Tumor Surgery

Virginia Cancer Specialists

u003ca href=u0022 Randy Hurleyu003c/au003e

u003cstrongu003eu003cemu003eOncology and Hematologyu003c/emu003eu003c/strongu003e

Regions Hospital, HealthPartners

Progress and Promise: Minnesota Sarcoma Research Conference

The Progress and Promise Sarcoma Research Conference is a forum for researchers to share their findings to RIS stakeholders and students and further the collaboration among RIS-sponsored researchers. The event is sponsored by Rein in Sarcoma and the University of Minnesota Masonic Cancer Center.

Upcoming event: