Type of Sarcoma: Myoleiosarcoma
Date of Diagnosis: 2001
Born on the Fourth of July, Beverly was full of spirit and passion for nature, people and animals. Growing up on a farm in Illinois as the youngest of four children, she developed a lifelong empathy for the less advantaged and became a fierce defender of the underdog, two- and four-legged. She had degrees in horticulture, biology and a PhD in plant pathology, a field in which she authored many articles. She was also an artist and photographer.
Wherever she went, she cultivated devoted friends with her generous spirit and wry sense of humor. Whether stranger or friend, she stepped up when someone needed an advocate or help. When her parents in Illinois needed her help in the last years of their lives, she sold her horticulture business in Colorado to care for them. After 4 years of misdiagnoses, she was finally diagnosed with myoleiosarcoma in 2001. Sarcoma claimed her life – June 23, 2003.
To honor the Life of Beverly Ann Schuld, her sister and brother- in-law, Clare and Jerome Ritter established the RIS Beverly Ann Schuld Fund in November of 2014.