Celebrate RIS’s Named Fund Honorees. You will also see their stories throughout September in Rein in Sarcoma’s social media and highlighted on the Named Funds page of our website. RIS Named Funds help sustain and support Rein in Sarcoma’s mission and help “Increase awareness. Increase survivors.” If you’d like to make a donation to the Rein in Sarcoma mission, visit our website.

Jan Maudlin
I was told my knee pain was due to 20+ years of playing tennis and needed physical therapy. I started to feel uncomfortable in my hip area – more physical therapy. I met with another doctor for a CT scan, more diagnostics and a biopsy, it was finally diagnosed as myxoid liposarcoma.
The RIS Jan Maudlin Sarcoma Named Fund was established to support education and advocacy for third year medical students. Jan helped RIS begin the Jan Maudlin Sarcoma Scholars program for sarcoma internships at The University of Minnesota, Mayo Clinic, University of Wisconsin – Madison medical School and Medical College of Wisconsin.
Full story/donate: https://www.reininsarcoma.org/sarcoma-story-jan-maudlin/

Annette Bonaventura
As a pediatric medical assistant, sarcoma survivor, mentor, advocate, and RIS volunteer, Annette is the definition of inspiring. Her journey has not been an easy one. After two years of severe leg pain and multiple misdiagnoses, Annette was diagnosed with MPNST in 2015.
Story/Donate: https://www.reininsarcoma.org/sarcoma-story-annette-bonaventura/

Chelsey Olafson
I noticed a small, hard bump underneath my skin, about an inch from my spine. My doctor told me it was a benign lipoma. I saw two more doctors and insisted the bump be removed. Two weeks later, I learned I had sarcoma. I had 25 sessions of radiation and happy to be cancer-free.
Story/donate: https://www.reininsarcoma.org/sarcoma-story-chelsey-olafson/