Find support groups and organizations that allow patients and families going through sarcoma to find others who can relate to their hardships. Remember you are not alone in dealing with sarcoma—be sure to take advantage of any support systems in your community.
General Cancer Information
Provides accurate, up-to-date information on cancer and is a good site for questions and support needs involving care, free lodging, transportation and more.
National organization dedicated to providing free professional support services including counseling, support groups, educational workshops, and financial assistance.
Advances childhood cancer causes by unifying the childhood cancer community through collaboration.
Europe’s leading cancer information charity, with up-to-date cancer information and practical advice and support.
Helps cancer patients and their caregivers connect to resources; such as support groups, transportation, financial assistance, palliative care, treatment options, clinical trials, and pain management.
Information on soft tissue and bone sarcoma. Personal Assistance 1-800-4-Cancer.
Advocates for quality cancer care and provides tools to empower people to advocate for themselves.
Treatment and disease information for a newly diagnosed patient, support through the side effects of treatment, and into survivorship.
Sarcoma Cancer Advocacy Organizations
- Sarcoma Coalition
- This is a coalition of sarcoma advocacy groups that are marked in this list with an *
- *Angiosarcoma Awareness, Inc.
- Dedicated to researching better therapies and a cure for angiosarcoma.
- Brian Morden Foundation
- Ewing Sarcoma and childhood cancer research foundation that provides funding for higher education scholarships.
- Carson Sarcoma Foundation
- Funds sarcoma cancer research.
- Chondrosarcoma Foundation
- Dedicated to education and advocacy for care, treatment and detection of chondrosarcoma.
- Chordoma Foundation
- Dedicated to chordoma
- Cure Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma International
- Funds research and supports patients with ASPS.
- *Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation
- Funds research to develop therapies and find a cure for desmoid tumors.
- *EHE Foundation
- Seeks treatments and a cure for Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma (EHE).
- Finish Sarcoma
- Raises awareness, patient support, and supports sarcoma research.
- *Focus on Rhabdo
- Online community of researchers, clinicians, & families dedicated to rhabdomyosarcoma.
- Foster Foundation
- Supports osteosarcoma research.
- *Friends of TJ Foundation
- Established to increase sarcoma research, improve treatment, and with the goal of finding a cure.
- GIST Cancer Awareness Foundation
- Volunteer-led online community providing information about GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumors).
- *GIST International
- Volunteer-led organization that provides GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumors) education and support.
- Jared’s Juggernaut to Cure Sarcomas
- Educates the public about sarcoma and raise funds for research.
- Josh Powell Foundation
- Aims to empower newly diagnosed sarcoma patients by providing “Powell Packs” to patients on their first day of treatment.
- Kristin Ann Carr Foundation
- Provides grants for cancer research and seeks to improve all aspects of cancer patient life with an emphasis on adolescents and young adults.
- *Leiomyosarcoma Direct Research Foundation (LMSDR)
- Dedicated to empowering patients with leiomyosarcoma and funding research.
- *Life Raft Group
- Mission is to enhance survival and quality of life for people living with gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST).
- Make It Better Agents (MIB)
- Foundation dedicated to pediatric osteosarcoma awareness and research.
- *National Leiomyosarcoma Foundation (NLMSF)
- Builds awareness in communities, and funds research for leiomyosarcoma.
- *Paula Takacs Foundation
- Raise funds that will directly benefit the fight to end sarcoma.
- *QuadW Foundation
- Provides financial support to for innovative ideas and opportunities in the area of higher education, sarcoma research.
- Rutledge Foundation
- Supports sarcoma research, and clinical trials for pediatric patients. Also supports adolescents and young adult cancer patients,
- *Sarcoma Alliance for Research through Collaboration (SARC)
- Nonprofit organization that is dedicated to the development and support of research for sarcoma
- *Sarcoma Alliance
- Strives to improve the lives of people affected by sarcoma through accurate diagnosis, improved access to care, guidance, education, and support.
- *Sarcoma Foundation of America (SFA)
- Advocate for sarcoma patients by funding research and increasing awareness.
- Sarcoma Oma
- Provides transportation services for sarcoma patients nationwide.
- *Summer’s Way Foundation
- Advances childhood cancer and rhabdomyosarcoma research. Connects families dealing with rhabdomyosarcoma and childhood cancer through webinars and support groups.
- *Slifka Foundation
- Funds a wide range of sarcoma research.
- Wendy Walk Foundation
- Supports patients and their loved ones, funds international sarcoma research, and increases sarcoma awareness.
Drug Information
- National Cancer Institute (NCI)
- Consumer-friendly summaries about certain drugs that are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat cancer or conditions related to cancer.
- RxList
- Online medical resource dedicated to offering detailed and current pharmaceutical information on brand and generic drugs.
Complimentary and Alternative Medicine
- Memorial Sloan Kettering Integrative Medicine
- Provides evidence-based information about herbs, botanicals, supplements, and more.
- National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) nccih.nih.gov
- Provides research on the diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine.
- Survival 2 Strength survival2strength.com
- Free Strength Training for Cancer Survivors in Minnesota. Survival 2 Strength is a program for strength, coordination and mobility.
- University of Texas MD Anderson Integrative Medicine Center
- Offers therapies that reduce patients’ stress and anxiety and improve their physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.
Patient and Family Support
- Ben’s Friends Patient Support Communitiesbensfriends.org
- Online forum for individuals diagnosed with rare diseases or chronic illnesses. The site features open discussion, as well as recommendations for doctors and clinics.
- Cancer Hope Networkcancerhopenetwork.org
- Provides 1:1 emotional peer support to adult cancer patients and their loves ones.
- Cancer Warrior Alliancecwa.life
- Mission to deliver cancer support resources to cancer community.
- CaringBridgecaringbridge.org
- You can write journal entries, post photographs, post a calendar for help with tasks and read supportive messages from guests.
- Chemo Angels Support Networkchemoangels.com
- Volunteer organization dedicated to enriching the lives of those undergoing IV chemo treatment.
- Dear Jack Foundationdearjackfoundation.org
- Programming directed towards adolescents and young adults diagnosed with cancer in order to improve life and create positive outcomes.
- Facebook support groups
- Several support groups for individuals dealing with sarcoma. Search for groups under your specific sarcoma type or using the term “sarcoma”.
- Rein in Sarcoma Circle of Support facebook.com/groups/reininsarcomacircleofsupport
- Synovial sarcoma group facebook.com/groups/synovialsarcomasupport
- General sarcoma group facebook.com/groups/sarcomasupportinitiative
- Several support groups for individuals dealing with sarcoma. Search for groups under your specific sarcoma type or using the term “sarcoma”.
- Gilda’s ClubGildasClubTwinCities.org
- A nonprofit and the local affiliate of the Cancer Support Community, where everyone living with cancer can come for social, emotional, and psychological support.
- GRYTgrythealth.com
- Mobile app platform for people affected by cancer to connect with other with similar experiences.
- Imerman Angelsimermanangels.org
- Connects cancer fighters, survivors, and caregivers with “mentor angels”
- Jack’s Caregiver Coalition jackscaregiverco.org
- Support for anyone 18 and older that identifies as male and has provided care for a loved one facing a health crisis.
- Lacuna Loftlacunaloft.org
- Online support programs for young adults and caregivers.
- Momcologymomcology.org
- National platform of peer support for childhood cancer families and caregivers,
- M Powerment
- Created to provide education and resources specifically tailored for males.
- Negative Space
- Dedicated to shining light on caregivers
- Sarcoma Alliance
- Peer-to-Peer Network is to facilitate positive relationships between individuals affected by sarcoma, so that they may find emotional support, encouragement, and information.
Miscellaneous Resources
- Along Comes Hope
- Provides advocacy, support, and financial assistance for travel associated with treatment, creative emotional support programs.
- Beads of Courage
- Coordinates with healthcare workers at hospitals to help children with serious illness cope with their treatment through art.
- The Jessie Rees Foundation
- Free 64-ounce plastic jars filled with toys and activities for kids 18 and under who have cancer.
- Kids Konnected 1-800-899-2866
- Children facing cancer are offered quarterly newsletters, support groups, children’s camps, online chat rooms, and other events.
- Kylee’s Dancing Angels
- Provide the financial support to help sarcoma patients get to their “happy place.”
- The Kylie Rowand Foundation
- Dedicated to raising money and awareness for new, promising, less toxic treatments for childhood cancer. Sends personalized care packages to children fighting cancer and provides financial assistance to families.
- Connects children facing serious and chronic illnesses with local college athletic teams, forming lifelong bonds and life-changing outcomes.
- Triage Cancer
- Non-profit that provides education on practical and legal issues that impact individuals diagnosed with cancer.
- Wally’s Smile
- Provides comfort and a smile by delivering free care packages to adults, children, and dogs fighting cancer.