Type of Sarcoma: Date of Diagnosis: 2016Location: Leg Back in 2016, I was having an
Tag: Sarcoma Survivor Stories
Type of Sarcoma: Undifferentiated Pleomorphic SarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2013Location: Thigh One month after learning from
Type of Sarcoma: Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma – ARMSDate of Diagnosis: 2020Location: Gluteus Vice Media documentary on
As a sarcoma survivor, Ben Cook-Feltz generously thought of Rein in Sarcoma as a proceeds recipient for his album release party and holiday show on December 12 at the Icehouse in Minneapolis. In November of 1986, six-year-old Ben was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. After nearly two years of treatment for his aggressive sarcoma, Ben went through chemotherapy with surgery to remove his nose. Ben has worn a prosthesis ever since. He was declared cancer-free (NED) in March of 1990.
My sarcoma story begins in 2005. What I thought was a charley horse in my
Type of Sarcoma: Myxoid LiposarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2020Location: abdomen I was diagnosed April 23rd, 2020
Type of Sarcoma: Telangiectatic OsteosarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2019Location: femur Diagnosis: In the fall of 2018,
Type of Sarcoma: Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath TumorDate of Diagnosis: 2015Location: leg, arm As a
Type of Sarcoma: Osteogenic SarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 1986Location: leg, brain I was born and raised
Type of Sarcoma: RhabdomyosarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 1977Location: body I grew up in a small southern