Type of Sarcoma: Ewing SarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2017Location: foot The world took an unexpected turn
Tag: Sarcoma Survivor Stories
Type of Sarcoma: ChondrosarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 1998Location: pelvis, leg Sarcoma survivor Theresa Hosfield says that
Type of Sarcoma: OsteosarcomaDate of Diagnosis: October 2014Location: leg I was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in
Type of Sarcoma: Epithelioid SarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2012Location: wrist At the age of 24, Aaron
Type of Sarcoma: Myxoid LiposarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2020Location: abdomen I was diagnosed April 23rd, 2020
Type of Sarcoma: Telangiectatic OsteosarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2019Location: femur Diagnosis: In the fall of 2018,
Type of Sarcoma: Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath TumorDate of Diagnosis: 2015Location: leg, arm As a
Type of Sarcoma: Mesenchymal ChondrosarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2016Location: spine In February 2016, Ken Selden was
Type of Sarcoma: Epitheliod SarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 1995Location: hand I was diagnosed with a sarcoma
Type of Sarcoma: OsteosarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 1980Location: knee It was 1980 and Scott Tjaden was