Type of Sarcoma: Ewing’s SarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2010Location: side In August 2010, I was busy
Tag: Sarcoma Survivor Stories
Type of Sarcoma: OsteosarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2007Location: leg It was 2007, the snow had melted
Type of Sarcoma: Ewing’s SarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 1993Location: jaw I want to share with you
Type of Sarcoma: Highly Undifferentiated Endometrial SarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2009Location: uterus It all began for
Type of Sarcoma: Myxoid SarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2018Location: hand More than seven years ago, I
Type of Sarcoma: Spindle Cell Synovial SarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2013Location: leg, lung My story began
Type of Sarcoma: Myxoid LiposarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2006Location: groin I was diagnosed with a sarcoma
Type of Sarcoma: Myxoid LiposarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2001Location: gluteus maximus My sarcoma journey started on
Type of Sarcoma: Undifferentiated Pleomorphic SarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2008Location: thigh It was January of 2008
Type of Sarcoma: RhabdomyosarcomaDate of Diagnosis: 2018 Standing in a bathroom at the Minneapolis Convention