How do flowers make you feel? Might seeing colorful, creative, live floral centerpieces at Rein in Sarcoma events bring a sense of being nurtured to your soul? Think about the people that grow these blooms, donate their beauty, deliver them with care, knowing they quietly, and mindfully represent our collective mission of support, education and research.

We want to thank our botanical matriarch, Maryann Duke, as we recognize her volunteer leadership this month. Together, with her floral arranging support team, which has included Diana Thorne-Lund, Jean Thorne, Sarah Giga, Sequoia Wyckoff, and Acacia Wyckoff, along with the generous gifts of flowers from Dale and Ruth Bachman, Maryann has created floral centerpieces to decorate patient and family gatherings and picnics, education events, and fundraisers for nearly two decades.
When asked why have you volunteered with Rein in Sarcoma for so many years? Maryann answered:
“It is all about Karen, she was an amazing young woman. If you knew her – volunteering honors Karen, and her work and vision.”
Maryann Duke, Rein in Sarcoma volunteer
With flowers, Maryann and volunteers represent the care, hope, and outreach our community works to provide. Offering a sense that no patient or family is alone in their sarcoma journey. Thank you for your leadership and support Maryann!
Read Karen Wyckoff’s story here.